Despite the popularity of metal as a residential roofing material of choice for many homeowners, misconceptions about it persist to this day. One of the most common is the notion that it can get extremely hot during the summer months. Local storm damage expert Redemption Roofing and General Contracting debunks this myth once and for all.

Behind the Myth
Any metal that is exposed to heat for longer periods feels hot when touched. Remember one of those times when you accidentally touched the outside of a pot of boiling water on the stove? You pull your hand back right away. That’s what also feels like when you try to touch a metal roof. The reason for this myth is the belief that metal retains a significant amount of heat when exposed to the sun.
The Truth
If you are looking to tackle roof replacement soon, you should consider metal roofing systems. Because they have a low thermal mass, they can reflect light and heat effectively. When outdoor temperatures decrease, the roof surface cools down. Conversely, other roofing materials like asphalt shingles and wood shakes absorb heat. Even when temperatures have already gone down, they still radiate stored heat, which can make its way indoors and wreak havoc on the home’s comfort levels.
The reflective properties of metal roofs are made possible by the addition of special coatings that help re-emit heat. With this important component, your attic remains cooler even when the sun is at its peak in the summer. The quality of the metal roofing material and installation plays an integral role in ensuring energy efficiency and indoor comfort.
For your roof repair, replacement and maintenance needs, turn to Redemption Roofing. When you hire us, you can trust us to provide efficient service and superior metal roofing that will protect your property for years. Give us a call at 936-321-3733 (Montgomery), 281-205-1337 (League City), or 830-214-7779 (Spring Branch). You may also fill out our contact form to schedule a free roof inspection.