Cracks and splits are two frequent types of asphalt shingle degradation. These flaws, if left ignored, can develop into more significant problems, as gaps can expose your roof’s sheathing and make it vulnerable to water damage. Splitting and cracking, on the other hand, are the outcome of various situations. It’s critical for your roofer to understand these distinctions since they’ll help them select the best course of action.
Redemption Roofing, an expert in storm damage repair in the area, explains how these two problems differ from one another.
Asphalt Splitting
When there are extreme temperature variations, thermal splitting, or simply splitting, happens. As a result of the expansion of asphalt roofing shingles in warm temperatures, the joints between them reduce in size. When it gets chilly outside, the shingles shrink and the gaps between them widen.
The adhesive strips were put under a lot of stress as a result of the continual shrinking and expansion, which reduced their effectiveness.
Asphalt Cracking
Asphalt shingles contain volatiles, or low-boiling-point compounds, which are added to the asphalt mix to make it more flexible and waterproof. However, the shingles gradually lose their volatiles due to evaporation, dampness, or simply old age.
The material dries up and shrinks as a result of this. The shingles will eventually fracture, rendering them more vulnerable to water incursion and roof repair.
Difference Between Asphalt Cracking and Splitting
- Appearance
Splitting is described by a roofer as deep gaps that run the length of a shingle.
Shingle cracks, on the other hand, are usually only a few millimeters deep.
- Cause
Because one of the layers is fastened by a fastener, splitting occurs when heat expansion allows the separate layers of a shingle to physically pull away from one other.
Cracking, on the other hand, is caused by more progressive wear and tear, with thermal expansion causing smaller tears at a time, resulting in shallower fractures.
- Degree of Damage
Splitting provides an instantaneous water route that flows right to the roof’s most vulnerable areas.
Cracking, on the other hand, weakens the entire surface of the shingle, potentially causing it to bend or get dislodged later.
Redemption Roofing is a premier source of top-rated roofing solutions, including roof replacement, storm-damaged roof repair and routine maintenance. Our experienced team aims to provide the safe and comfortable living environment that every homeowner deserves using industry-leading products and services.
Call us today at 936-321-3733 (North Houston), 830-214-7779 (Hill Country) or 281-205-1337 (League City). You may also fill out our contact form to set up an appointment.